Brietling Jet Team Air Show - 16 Mar 2013
The Brietling jet team, made up of French ex-fighter pilots, with its aerobatics jet performance in seven L-39C Albatros jets at Subang Skypark Terminal Airport. Going up to altitude Roll over Looping Completing a loop Fly by formation Inverted flight Apache looping - looked almost like a collision Apache looping Synchronised duo Synchronised duo Last fly by Preparing for the split Final split before flare off Flare off!! Huge turnout braved the scorching heat to watch the French aerobatic team. A solo performance by the Malaysia's own Krisakti team in an Extra 300 aircraft. We've no idea there's a Krisakti team performance later that afternoon too, otherwise we would have stayed back to watch it. It was a brilliant solo display but unfortunately, we were distracted by the Brietling team as their jets landed. It's an extra special day for our good friend, Lion who finally got his much ...