
A Modern Temple of Knowledge - Library of Congress

It's amazing to think about how knowledge from ancient Babylon influenced Greek thought and laid the groundwork for Western science and philosophy. The Babylonians were ahead of their time in astronomy and math. When Alexander the Great conquered Babylon, Greeks tapped into this knowledge, blending it with their own ideas. This exchange of knowledge flowed from Babylon to Greece, then to Rome, and eventually into modern Western thinking, continuing to shape how we understand the world today. A great example of this influence is how the Library of Congress reflects Greek Classical ideals as a modern-day temple of knowledge. The Library of Congress, especially the Thomas Jefferson Building, strongly reflects Greek influence with its Corinthian columns and dome, showcasing classical architecture. The dome, topped with a torch representing the light of knowledge, emphasizes the building's focus on symmetry and traditional Greek and Roman styles.  Below, the Court of Neptune Fountai

Modern Cities, Ancient Paths In Plain Sight

As I wandered through the British Museum, surrounded by the remnants of ancient empires. When we think of these ancient powers, names like Rome, Greece, Persia, Babylon, and Assyria come to mind. Among them, Assyria is the oldest, and I was particularly struck by the records and artifacts from this empire. The Assyrians were known for their brutal rule, and the evidence of their cruelty is almost overwhelming. Today, the Assyrian Empire has all but vanished, its glory and fearsome reputation reduced to museum displays. It's surprising how many people may not even be aware that it once existed. On the other hand, most people have at least heard of Babylon. But in the museum, I learned that unlike the Assyrians, the Babylonians didn’t keep meticulous records. This makes it harder to imagine what life under Babylonian rule was truly like. Yet, unlike Assyria, Babylon doesn’t need records to leave a lasting impression—we see Babylon’s influence all around us, even today. The Monument o

To My Sons in Today’s World

SON: Do you notice how many senseless crimes are happening every day? MOM: The world today does feel more chaotic and intense, reflecting a growing madness in humanity. Don’t be fooled into thinking things are getting better. Lawlessness is already at work, and before the Lord’s return, things will get worse. But remember, He is coming, and nothing can stop that. Even if many of us pass away before that day, His promise remains: He will be victorious, defeating darkness, and raising us up with Him. Right now, the world is set for the ultimate apostasy, where many will turn to worship the man of lawlessness once God removes the restraining power of the Holy Spirit. Those who have rejected the truth will be led astray, believing falsehoods. If we look at history, we are closer to the end times than to the beginning of the church. The Bible warns us that in the final days, “evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). People will

Life is like a marathon not a sprint

Our first women's doubles have created history by winning the badminton French open title recently. Before the tournament, one of them was grounded for 6 weeks due to a hamstring injury and the other shuttler has to practise alone making uncertain even their participation. Despite all odds, they performed so well against their opponents, who were two-time world champions. They were shining examples of those who are not defined by their setbacks. They have set their minds to run a marathon not a sprint.  A marathon is a test of endurance, which makes you question everything - your beliefs, body, stamina and your psychology.  Your genes do not define you. Your  illness, pains, struggles, losses and suffering   do not define you. Your trust in God will give you faith, hope, courage and perseverance to finish this race.  Just like a marathoner who is committed to the time spent in training, running practice, building muscles, stretching, diet, rest and recovery, we must also prepare ou

Living with Thalassemia Trait

Why is life so complicated? Is ignorance better than truth? I am convinced that there's such a striking parallel between our spiritual state and physical health (don't know which causes which to come first). I feel helpless watching my health and loved ones like a roller coaster. To make matters more complex, we inherited the thalassemia blood disorder. In short, our body does not make enough of a protein called hemoglobin, an important part of red blood cells. Less hemoglobin, less red blood cells in the bloodstream, less oxygen to carry to all the cells in the body. Naturally, we are anemic, and need to put in effort to maintain our strength for our daily activities. Luckily there are body signals that are hard to ignore, eg always feeling tired, weak or short of breath.  How should we live with thalassemia? We must do whatever we can to increase oxygen and help our digestion to move faster. Things that will help : -  1. be physically active 2. spend time in nature  3. take a

Package Deal

Today is a mixed day. This day we celebrate J’s first taste of virtual working life, B’s last day of online Year 10 study and we are saddened that S is Covid positive in the USA. On the bigger picture, our nation has a change of Prime Minister, again, in the midst of another record day of Covid numbers. Motherhood is a package deal – a mother’s pain and regrets, a mother’s joy and happiness. Becoming a mother means also I’ve lost myself to motherhood, and there’s so much in my mind that family comes first, children’s wellbeing comes first and we mothers live for another, and not ourselves. Being able to raise and watch our children grow is a privilege. I am so proud of every milestone in their lives, and able to witness their growth means so much to me. I have many regrets as a mom – what I did and didn’t do. There is no manual, training or education to prepare us to be a mother, and we all have regrets, because we are fallen mothers.  Motherhood is indeed a self-discovery journey wher

Nothing can separate us

  Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or death? No other time can we relate to these verses better than now. Our nation is in the darkest hour, with extreme circumstances - the unabating pandemic, collapse of healthcare, dysfunctional government and political woes. Corruption, lawlessness and injustice. When death is ever looming and there’s no goodbyes with loved ones. Can extreme pressures from the outside and inside destroy our faith? Can that drive us to reject Christ? Who will separate us from the love of Christ? In Romans 8, Paul wrote to the churches in Rome from Corinth, not knowing it would soon be his personal testimony.  What do we tell our children? I don’t blame them for feeling overwhelmed by the bombardment of negative news. We welcome a short reprieve from Tokyo Olympics and some inspiring stories from those who have to overcome the odds in their lives and journey to th