Holiday DIY Nature Activities

Unschooling Get-together @ CLiC

We managed to meet up with Wai Leng and some other unschooling families during the holidays. Tree-climbing was a favourite past time in CLiC.

We've a glimpse of a typical day of these unschoolers, also their hangout place at the Community Learning Initiative Centre (CLiC). Unschooling with a community is a unique experience. There's little structure and no standard curriculum, unlike some homeschooling approaches. The kids learnt how to journal after collecting some stuff at the park and learning took place naturally.

Stream trotting at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

A nature walk in a scenic and secluded place. Most of the time we could have this place to ourselves. We come here often, but never grow tired of it. 

The water is clear and cold, there're small and big fishes, beautiful dragonflies in different colours, the sound of water gushing from the waterfall, fresh air... tis is what we miss in the city.

Jumping from rocks to rocks...

Supposedly got some big fishes here..... 

A Yoga pose?

Ssssh.... the water is tooooo cold.

Colours of twilight and sunset


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